Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Post # 10

   Okay so I really did enjoy reading the post that Morgan Bayada did. However I did not like the Dan Brown's video though he does make some good points. He was all over the place with his ideas I think. He was talking way to fast and he was also pretty annoying.

Morgan Bayda made some really good points. Most of the points she made about the classroom that I personally can relate to. One of her best examples would have to have been , to never speak her mind in her classroom. These types of classes seem so pointless to me, because you as the student are there to learn something. But by not be allowed to ask questions what could you learn.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home
   This article was really confusing to me and hard to understand. " I take issue with that research. The only measurement of learning was a drill-and-kill bubble test. How is that measuring authentic learning?" I believe that when it come to standardized test are pointless! I fully believe that as future educators we should bind together and dew away with standardized tests. Standardized test lab our students and will follow them for the rest of there lives. So many teachers put so much significance on standardized test. High school students are so consumed with making the perfect ACT/SAT score, so they can get into the best schools. Many students may do really well in the classroom doing there everyday class work. But when it comes to standardize test they do horrible.

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