Blog Post 12 Due 4/17
1.) Jordan District: Pay Attention (7:42)
For this week's blog post 12, you are assigned to watch the video, Pay Attention by Jordan District. The video only last 7 minutes, and 42 seconds. Once you have finished watching the video, write in your own words two or more paragraphs how you felt about the video. Do you agree with it or do you disagree?
My reaction to the post for this assignment:
In this video "Pay Attention" was created to get teachers more involved in technology. This Video makes you as a future educator what to be that one person who introduces technology to there students. This video ask so many question. Are you teaching your students how technology works. We live in a world today were everyone young and old know about technology. Its EVERYWHERE. As a teacher are you doing the best you can by not teaching them about technology and how it is the new way of the future.
Many students have cell phones even those who are in elementary grade levels. One of the things that this video say that stuck with me was " Cell phones teach" Absolutely. You can us your phone for so much in todays world. This video was a really good one. It got me to "Pay Attention" Did it get you to.
This was a great video! I will definitely be recommending it to Dr.Strange. This video explains everything we have learned about how important it is to integrate technology in our class rooms. I loved it. Great work!